The Butt Pic by Helena Wurzel
8"x10" ($24) | 11"x14" ($60) | 16"x20" ($240) | 24"x30" ($1200)
Take a second to consider the last ad you saw with women in it. Were they selling cosmetics or the latest wrinkle-reducer? Were they laughing with salad or cozying up to a container of yogurt? Were they half-naked in heels and a $9000 coat? Don’t get us wrong—going full Lady Godiva in stilettos and designer outerwear is not a look we’re opposed to, but for most women we know that doesn’t represent anything in the realm of reality. It’s disappointingly difficult to find depictions of women that feel authentic as well as playful and beautiful—that’s where Helena Wurzel comes in.
The Butt Pic encompasses so much of what we love about Lanie’s work: a bright color scheme, a sense of humor, and the warm fuzzies of actual female friendships. In a world where women’s body parts are routinely hypersexualized, commodified, and politicized, it’s refreshing to see a painting that portrays femininity through female eyes. These are friends celebrating each other’s bodies, working on those terrific tan lines (hello, Coppertone!) and simply enjoying the beach. And that’s exactly how Lanie likes it.
The Butt Pic isn’t heavy handed or preachy (I mean, Lanie titled it The Butt Pic). It's blissfully upbeat, delectably summery, and cheeky (pun fully intended)—a few of our favorite things. In her In the Studio interview, Lanie explained that her work derives directly from her daily life, and that her experiences outside of the studio often lead her back into it. “I depict images of my friends and myself in intimate moments of self-reflection and celebration,” the artist says. We love that Lanie’s work centers around the real women in her life. That’s the beauty of The Butt Pic: you get the sense that Lanie’s universe has a whole lot of fun; the women genuinely like themselves and each other and don't so much care what you think.
With art for everyone,
Team 20x200