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Book it to our site to refresh your reading list!!

Calling all bookworms to gather ’round, it’s National Book Lovers Day! There’s no better day than today to pull your nose out of your book, crank up the volume on your fave audiobook, and get lost in the stacks of our book-themed art. We hope you’ve made good progress on your summer reading list by now and are already stocking up on new tomes from your favorite indie bookseller. Perhaps one of the classics you read this summer is just happened to stick with you? Let your bookfreak flag fly with one of our Book Pins!

And since you're flying through the reads you've got, we’re here with recs to refresh your list! It just so happens that many of our multi-talented artists are also must-read authors. William Wegman's critically-acclaimed new book, Writing by Artist, gathers hundreds of the artist's works—across mediums and decades—in a hilarious exploration of the interplay between text and image in Wegman's work. Release your inner artist with one of Lisa Congdon’s inspiring volumes. Hear from the most creative people in the world inside Debbie Millman’s Why Design Matters. Learn how to distance yourself from the attention economy with Jenny Odell’s How To Do Nothing. Admire drawings of creepy crawlies in Amy Jean Porter’s Insectpedia

 Are you taking notes? ‘Cause that's just the start of it! Be sure to check out our Bookshop page, wherein you’ll find everything from books for kiddos to some serious inspo.

Maybe you’re thinking to yourself - “hmmm I’m not much of a reader.” Well, fear not, cookbooks are books too! If you’d rather get your hands dirty and cook up a storm then check out this apron that has plenty of cookbook inspo. 

 And finally last but not least, one of our very own has a bookstore! Emily, our social media manager, opened The Lost Bookshop. It is heaven for booklovers in the Catskills and around the world! If you couldn’t already tell, the 20x200 team is full of book lovers of all kinds. We wish you a happy National Book Lovers day, and hope our recommendations can refresh your reading list for the coming months!