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New! A handmade letterpress from Jenn Graves

Greetings, collectors! Today we’ve got an extra special debut Artist-Made edition from LA-based printer and book artist Jenn Graves. Introducing REST., a rich celebration of craft, color, and calm. This limited edition series of original handmade 11”x16” letterpress prints boldly reminds us to REST.—a task that remains elusive for many of us. 

REST. is a declarative salute to deceleration. Graves leans into the slow and meditative nature of letterpress as a craft. Using a vintage sans serif wood type designed by Day & Collins in the 1890s, she chose her font with intention to impress strength and simplicity into print. Equally considered, her inks are unique. Each color is hand-mixed and printed in three layers, resulting in distinctly robust tones. Finally, each letterpress print is hand-fed through a 1960s Vandercook Universal press four times to achieve the vividly layered design. 

The vibrant, stratified arrangement of letters is intense and contrasting, but blends into a cohesive message inviting us to quiet our chaos, pause, and reflect. It’s bold, loud, and assertive on purpose. It is designed to be listened to, to give us permission to REST.—even just for a moment.

Originally a teacher, Graves spent her early career in public schools and libraries before developing her letterpress printing practice. Her prints and collaborative artist book have been exhibited both nationally and internationally, and she now teaches letterpress, bookbinding, and book structures at Otis College of Art and Design and the International Printing Museum. We’re thrilled to welcome a woman of such phenomenal talent and knowledge into our orbit.

Tags: new art