Greetings feminists (aka human beings)! We are capping off our amazing—not to mention amazingly well-timed, if we do say so ourselves—week of Feminism with a 5+5 from the ferociously fabulous writer Roxane Gay. If you’re treating our recently released Ideal Bookshelf 974: Feminists as a reading list too, a) you’re not alone! and b) Roxane’s critically acclaimed, funny + very real Bad Feminist should be at the top of your list. In the meantime, catch her first foray into comic writing, debuting this November. You should also follow her on Twitter ASAP, where she does a masterful job of meshing the personal and the political and is never shy about expressing a firmly held opinion. And speaking of those opinions, read on for her 20x200 edition picks + favorite arty indulgences. – Jen Bekman
5 Perfect Picks
1) Praia Piquinia 16/08/11 13h26 by Christian Chaize
The composition of this photograph is simply stunning. I love the colors and how the people seem to funnel themselves, unwittingly, into that yawning mouth of stone.
2) Gemini IV: Spacewalk I (S65-34635), a 20x200 Space Edition
For some reason, I am obsessed with this type of space suit. It seems so roomy and comfortable. I also appreciate how we can see the reflection in the face shield.
3) Animal Locomotion: Plate 733 (Elephant), by Eadweard Muybridge
I am obsessed with tiny baby elephants so when I saw this I just squealed with delight. And then I bought a copy of the print, which is now hanging in my living room.
4) Jericho. From the series The West Bank, by Philip Cheung
Again, this photo has great composition, where the ferris wheel is off center but the eye is still incredibly drawn to these women enjoying their ride.
5) Day 260: Baby Doll Hands by Lisa Congdon
In addition to loving tiny baby elephants, I also like baby parts. I once wrote a story called Baby Arm that will maybe become part of a collection someday. Anyway, look at these cute little chubby hands. They are delicious.
5 Q's + 5 A's
1) What's your favorite museum?
My favorite museum is the Indianapolis Museum of Art where I saw the Thornton Dial exhibit Hard Truths. The museum is really well curated and until recently, it was free to the public which only elevated the museum in my esteem. Gorgeous space where you can really feel the artworks.
2) Most coveted coffee table book?
My favorite coffee table book is Hard Truths, that looks at the work of Thornton Dial. It doesn't sit on my coffee table.
3) If you could be reincarnated as an artist, who would you want to be?
I would want to come back as an artist who was celebrated in their time.
4) You've got $5m to spend on one piece of art. What would it be?
Drowning Girl by Roy Lichtenstein, or really anything by him. He is one of my top five.
5) Favorite color?
The 411 on Roxane Gay
Roxane Gay lives and writes in the Midwest. She also spends time in Los Angeles because the weather there is so great. She is the author of three books--Ayiti, An Untamed State, and Bad Feminist, with several forthcoming. She wants a tiny baby elephant very badly.
Professional Site: Roxane Gay Twitter: @rgay Instagram: @roxanegay74