Saturdays are for big brunch, easy evenings, and excellent reading. Which brings us to the superstar curator of today’s 5+5: digital media maven, editorial exec, and all around content queen Lori Leibovich. Her current dominion? SVP of Content at millennial-minded media company theSkimm. You’ve probably heard of theSkimm’s game-changing daily email newsletter, or maybe you’re one of their millions of subscribers. The savvy, hot-take-heavy newsletter breaks down the news into easily digestible essentials and delivers it straight to your inbox—for when there’s no time to tuck into a thirteen-page think piece or simply when the news cycle feels overwhelming (something we can all relate to on occasion). They’ve since launched an app that serves up nonpartisan news updates, informative audio episodes, interviews, reading recs, and more. It even syncs with your calendar to make sure you don’t miss out on important or exciting events in politics, tech, culture, and whatever other categories you choose.
When she’s not shaking things up in the world of digital journalism, Leibovich is also a seasoned art aficionado, home design devotee, and 20x200 collector. We feel blessed to adorn her very chic walls. It was not surprising in the least to find that her 5+5 art selects and answers exhibit breadth, humor, cool factor, and an exceptional eye. — Team 20x200
P.S. Have some serious social media skills and an abiding love of art? We're hiring a PT/Freelance Social Media Coordinator! Check it out.
5 Perfect Picks
1) My Butt by Helena Wurzel
I love the happy pattern of this woman's bathing suit, and, yes, I love her butt. It's realistic and friendly. I think this print would be perfect in a bathroom or the guest room in a beach house.
2) Pete's Ice Cream Ely, Nevada by John Margolies
I have this thing with signs—hence, my Instagram account @ihavethisthingwithsigns in which I take photos of the cool signs I come across in my travels. Until I started the account, I had no idea that there was a whole subculture of sign fanatics like me and dozens of amazing Instagram accounts devoted to "sign spotting." This poster marries my love of signs with one of my other loves, ice cream stands.
3) January—A year of good reading ahead, a 20x200 Vintage Edition
I love vintage posters—-the graphics, fonts, colors. One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to read at least one book a month so this poster is a great reminder to get off my phone and pick up an actual book.
4) Black Marble (North America), a 20x200 Space Edition
I have no desire to go to space, but I love photographs taken from space. You cannot help but feel both small and insignificant and also part of something huge, mysterious and unknowable.
5) Animal Locomotion; Plate 197 (Couple Dancing) by Eadweard Muybridge
The photo is on the wall of my living room. It reminds me of my father, who was a wonderful dancer. I love the progression and movement in these photos. Dancing is one of those things that always makes me feel happy and alive but I don't do it often. This piece always reminds me to grab my husband and go for a twirl.
5 Q's + 5 A's
1) What's your favorite museum?
MassMoca. It's a modern art museum is housed in an old mill in North Adams, Mass. Every time I go I'm amazed at the breadth and scope of their exhibits and the way they fill their vast space so cleverly. I never tire of their Sol Lewitt exhibit.
2) What's your most coveted coffee table book?
After the first Women's March in 2017, I started hosting an Instagram account called @nastysigns to showcase homemade signs from marches. Through that account, I learned about a coffee table book published by Princeton Architectural Press called "Posters for Change" which comes with 100+ gorgeous graphic posters with political messages. The cool thing about the book is that the posters can be torn out and used at actual protests.
3) Do you prefer a single statement piece or a salon wall?
It depends on the space. I love an eclectic Salon wall in smaller spaces but in large rooms I think a statement piece is a great focal point.
4) You've got $5m you have to spend on one piece of art. What would it be?
A Richard Serra sculpture and as many Robert Frank photographs as possible.
5) We were stoked to see you step into a SVP role at The Skimm recently! As a seasoned art lover yourself, what's your Skimm-style hot take on how and why to get excited about art collecting?
Resting your gaze on something beautiful, or something that speaks to you is one of the surest ways to experience joy. Whether it's a postcard taped above my desk, an old poster salvaged from a junk shop or one of the many 20 X 200 pieces I have hanging around my home, art provides me with hits of happiness every day. Collecting art is an investment in your well-being, and allows you to hone in on your personal style and vision.
The 411 on Lori LeibovichLori is a veteran digital journalist, who has held senior leadership positions at media companies including The Huffington Post, Time Inc.and theSkimm. She was the editor in chief of RealSimple.com and of Health magazine. She edited the critically acclaimed anthology Maybe Baby about the decision to become a parent and founded Indiebride.com, a website for independent-minded brides. Her work has appeared in leading publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Slate and many others.
Lori lives in Brooklyn and Hillsdale, NY with her husband, a magazine editor, and their two children. She spends as much time as possible in Upstate New York, The Berkshires, and Prospect Park. She loves photography, hiking, traveling, yoga, baking and seeing live music.
Instagram: @lorileibo Instagram: @ihavethisthingwithsigns Twitter: @lorileibovich