Newsflash: good office furniture is a game changer. The recent addition of a new couch to our HQ has upped the comfy quotient x 900 and made everyone feel measurably more chilled-out. It's also given us the perfect place to catch up on our interwebs reading and cross off some suddenly less stressful to dos (every task is less stressful if you do it with your feet propped up on a pouf). Below, a few of the fine discoveries we made from our fresh perching place... – Team 20x200
The high school seniors of Flint, Michigan put other prom nights to shame, despite having "the odds stacked against them". Expert-eyed 20x200 photog Landon Nordeman was perfectly suited to capture the party in all it's glory—flash on for extra fabulosity. Peep the pics on It's Nice That!
P2P renter's insurance in app form is flyyyy. Our editorial whiz was in the market for something supa simple and affordable, and downloaded Lemonade. Survey says...major success! An easy-peasy lemon-squeezy (heh) way to ensure your stuff—including all your art!—is covered in case of an emergency. Bonus: they've set up their business so that any extra $$$ goes to your charitable cause of choice.
Turn your low-key Netflix Friday into an exploration you can later brag about. 20x200 artist and brilliant designer / "paper engineer" Kelli Anderson will be leading her (first ever!) open-to-the-public workshop tomorrow from 6-9 pm at Exploratorium SF. The lesson plan? How to make fully functional camera pop-up books! If you're nowhere near the Bay Area, take 5 to catch Kelli in this cool video.
Illustration by David Shrigley, Arts Bridge, for "Creative Health." Courtesy of APPGAHW.
Art every day keeps the doctor away! According to a new report, making and looking at art can seriously reduce depression and doctor visits, as well as anxiety and stress. That's a prescription we're happy to refill. Which reminds us—if you're an art buyer on a budget, this 6ftsq guide gives great tips for starting your collection (including a nod to yours truly).
"Pharma Bro" is just as creepy in 2D. Leave it to 20x200 artist Molly Crabapple to masterfully capture Martin Shkreli standing trial, complete with pull quotes from the proceedings. Head over to Buzzfeed for the fascinating full spread.