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Honeybees + Spring Scenery: The Elegant Side of Entomological Art

Frühlingsbild aus dem Insekten Leben, a 20x200 Vintage Edition
10"x8" ($24) | 14"x11" ($60) | 20"x16" ($240) | 24"x20" ($600)

Have you heard the buzz about our new release? This Vintage Edition is the bee’s knees. But puns aside, you’ll definitely want to make a beeline for this print. (Ok, sorry, we’ll see ourselves out…)

The title of today’s edition release is a Germanic mouthful—Frühlingsbild aus dem Insektenleben—which for all its linguistic delight and dexterity roughly translates to a rather simple phrase: Spring Image from Insect Life. We plucked the image from Die Insekten, Tausendfüssler und Spinnen (Insects, Millipedes, and Spiders), an entomological book published in 1877. Co-written by Alfred Brehm and Ernst Ludwig Taschenberg, two German entomologists, the book is inflected by a smattering of stunning illustrations—quite the counterpoint to page after page of dense zoological science.

This particular illustration perfectly exploited our current weakness for everything spring. Please share our pain. Idyllic natural setting? Check. Verdant view? Check. Sunshine? Check. Add a happy crowd of busy insects going about their springtime activities and it’s game over. Give us this art.

The starring insects in this scene are honeybees, and these bees are busy indeed, dancing about the pussy willow to collect pollen. A keen eye will also spot a solitary ladybug patrolling the crook of the central branch in view, and a beetle ambling up a neighboring branch toward the nearby buds. This image is the kind of close-up that the season requires. Despite its melting muck and lingering low temps (and our impatience), spring brings all sorts of small discoveries and subtle fresh starts.

In the background of this edition, a pond reposes in the midday sun, spread out serenely at the edge of a copse of trees. Take a closer look at the landscape in the distance and you’ll spy a steeple, nestled in the low hills above the pond, peering over the panorama. Majestic much?

So ask yourself this question, spring art collector: Will you want this German honeybee print on your wall? We think jah.

With art for everyone,
Jen Bekman + Team 20x200